Similar to R150-1, but with a 1,500 mm wide sliding recess. As this slide is classified as slide type 1.2, there is no annual TÜV approval required for this extremely durable slide, as is the case for normal wide slides.
Classification according to DIN EN 1069: Type 1.2
Size (L/W/H): approx. 6.000 x 1.550 x 3.100 mm
Platform height: approx. 1,930 mm
Water quantity: approx. 50 to 70 l/min
Material: stainless steel V4A (1.4571)
Target group: Children
Positioning: at the edge of the pelvis with WT = from approx. 1,000 mm
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ROIGK GmbH & Co.
Hundeicker Strasse 11-19
58285 Gevelsberg
Tel .: +49 2332 969999
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